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First light with my Birthday pressie


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Hi all, I hit the big 4oh on saturday and amongst all the nice presents I got a real gem, My Dad and Step-Mum bought me a 2" Hutech IDAS lps filter and a borg sct 2" filter combo adapter, so a really big thanks to my Dad and Maureen, it meant so much to me getting this, its going to be something that I treasure for a long, long time and share with so many other people who I hope will get as much pleasure from it as I do.

I got to try it out for the first time last night, bit of a mare setting up (rushing too much as time was fairly short) eventually got a guide star sorted and framed my shot, Here's the first long exposure image through the hutech filter, 7mins @ iso 800, single frame, no darks, flats, bias, canon 450d through a WO 66 +FFII & IDAS filter, guided by a lx modded spc900nc through a celestron 6se 6" sct mounted on a HEQ5 pro synscan. Just a quick levels and curves in cs3.


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I only went with the Advice of (Steve) Steppenwolf... apparently its not so hot with the newer HP sodium lights the "whiter" ones...

One day i'll get round to taking some comparison images through my LP and Nebular filter selection...

Suppose I could use the LP reflecting of the cloudbase as a test image...

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Thanks Karlo :p Doc, it was down to PsychoBilly's excellent advice (Thanks mate :hello2: ) that I got the idas, I've had the pleasure of seeing a lot of the WIPs of his images as they come in for as long as he's had his filter, I'm really blown away by how good it is.

I've tried to take 7min exposures for giggles without a filter and the lp round here kills the image, with the image being either almost orange or pink, barely able to make the stars out its so blown out. I was expecting no LP and some detail after fiddling with the levels on the raw image, I previewed the jpg that came with the raw and not only was the lp gone I could clearly make out mexico.

Does my focus look ok? It seems to be to me, stars aren't blown out either, the guiding looks tight, can anyone see anything that I might need to improve on? I think the framing could probably have been better?

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Thanks for the compliments Reggie... And Thanks to Steve for the heads up in the first place at the time it seemed like a hell of a lot of money to spend on a LP filter but it should see me right for a long time...I never thought I'd be able to do any DSO imaging from the home site because of LP levels - after I got the IDAS i realised I needed a pier/wedge and ultimately the Observatory to make the most of the longer exposure that it let me take...

Guide on the blue star that's around Washington DC and you wont go far wrong :hello2:

Any focus doubts should be sorted in the next few weeks there were both 6SE and ZS66 FO masks on the list I sent you earlier :p


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