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This is quite a bright (mag 9.4) galaxy in Canes Venatici.  Not often imaged, the preference being for its famous neighbour M51.  I'd never imaged it before and decided to remedy that omission before it was too late in the season.  While searching for examples I came across R. Jay Gabany's superb image.  Anyone familiar with his work will know that with his high altitude observatory (4600 ft) and 1/2 metre telescope he specialises in detecting tidal streams.  Indeed he found one associated with this galaxy, which made it even more of a challenge for me.  Of course I don't have his superb location, equipment or for that matter pristine skies.  But a couple of reasonable nights gave me enough data to be fairly happy with my own effort which *just* shows the tidal stream.  QSI 683 on RC10 with SX AOunit.  Luminance 23 x 10 minutes, RGB each 7 x 10 minutes, all binned 2x2.  In my image, North is up, Gabany's has North to the left.







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