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My apologies if this has been posted before, but I recently (around the time of the Venus/Saturn conjunction) discovered a site that posts news about upcoming conjunctions: 

http:// https://in-the-sky.org/newsindex.php?feed=conjunctions


Even more exciting (to me), they also have a custom graphing tool that lets us graph the angular separation of arbitrary objects over time: 


Just select "Angular distance from..." under the "Graph of" drop down menu

So if you know the apparent field of view of your eyepiece, you can calculate its actual field of view, then see whether you'll be able to see two objects in the same field of view through that eyepiece. Using this tool I was able to calculate that Venus and Saturn did not get close enough for me to see them through my 25 mm eyepiece, making me feel better about oversleeping and missing their closest conjunction that morning.

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Welcome from Land Down Under

I did try to capture the conjunction of Venus and Saturn, with my mobile phone, when leaving for work around 4-30am the other morning

Mobile phone devise does not like dark skies

Also tried to captured Venus with a small crescent moon, with Jupiter above Venus

Moon turned out a big blob, due to handshake, and not been able to focus properly with mobile device, due to dark skies




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