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Precursor to first light.......


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'cause first light proper should be something special, right? And this aint.

With one of the brightest, highest moons I can remember bleaching out everything in the sky, I was content to set my new GSO F4 8" Newt up, wire it all up, re-polar align the mount and start taking a few test exposures to see how long I could go without getting trailing stars. As it was, I hadnt drift aligned, and so about 300secs was the limit.

But I thought I would post this piccy anyways, which is just a small crop taken from the centre of the picture, as it marks the start of a re-direction in my imaging "career" in some ways. New scope, new camera, new software, new method of attaching guide scope, new overdraft.

So here's a little M81. It aint pretty, but when you consider the subs it came from, I'm confident that better is to come when Luna disappears.




(click to enlarge)

From the middle of this one ->


(click to enlarge)

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