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Running 2 ASI cameras = problem?


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I've got 2 ZWO-ASI cameras:

ASI120mm I use for guiding

ASI178CM I want to use for colour captures (various)

I use PHD2 as the guide software and the asi120mm connected to that

However, if I try to connect the 178 to either SG Pro, SharpCap or Fire### then rather than connecting the 178 it disconnects the 120 from PHD2 and connects the 120mm to itself. I can't get another prog to 'see' the 178 once the 120mm is running?

Anyone any ideas - I used to use Maxim DL and run 2 instances to get over two similar (Nikon) camera connections.

I've given up on trying to get the 120 and 178 running together tonight. I'm using the 120 as aguide cam in PHD2 and the Nikon D5100 in SG Pro so I get something for my efforts tonight...

Someone out there must be running 2 ZWO ASI cameras - how please

I'm connecting these via a usb 3.0 hub and usb 3.0 cable to a usb 3.00 laptop socket - trying to keep things consistent.

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I'm using it quite normally.

I use SGP, and connect to it via ASCOM

When I start PHD2 if I choose native ASI drivers - there is little arrow on selector that displays additional menu - letting me select camera that I want for guiding - in my case ASI185 (main imaging camera is ASI1600).

If I select ASCOM driver for guiding (started doing that lately), then there are two ASCOM cameras registered in the system, so I use first one for SGP / imaging, and second one - configured to ASI185 for guiding.

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