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Eagle Nebula (M16) SHO reprocess


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You may recall that a couple of weeks ago or so I posted up my attempt at the Eagle Nebula in SHO:


At the time, I wasn't quite happy with the colour, and having looked back at it, I can see that at the initial linear RGB combination stage I over-egged the Sulphur, as it were, and made the weak Sii channel too strong in the mix.  The rest of the processing from then was basically a fight against that.  I had another go at remixing the RGB this weekend, and came up with these, which I think are better:






Not going to win any awards, and I've still got magenta starbursts showing through from the Sii on some of the brighter stars, but I'm more happy with it this way.  


Hope you like them,



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Definitely better! You can remove the magenta by creating magenta mask using script color mask or by inverting the image and using SCNR to remove green? Also I would soften the deconvolution, when setting the deringing you can increase the global bright to reduce the white structures it sometimes makes in the brighter spots, it is visible right on the eagle a bit. 

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4 minutes ago, john2y said:

You can remove the magenta by creating magenta mask using script color mask or by inverting the image and using SCNR to remove green? 

ahhh that's a nice trick !  I must have made umpteen magenta masks, red masks, saturation masks etc etc, but I like the sound of that inverted SCNR, will give that a try tonight.

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well look at that !  Magenta gone!






By the way, when you mentioned white artifacts from deconvolution, you didn't mean this bit did you ?  It's a feature, Nasa has it too !



I'm usually very careful not to let those white strings or bobbles come through from deconvolution, ditto any dark ringing or over derringing against dark background, but it is possible I've let a bit get through.



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That's a cracking image Stuart.   I reckon NASA cropped their pillars of creation image because they couldn't sort out the weird colours you get in the dusty surroundings.  I remember battling for hours with that when I imaged this a few years ago!

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