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say hello to my lit'l friend


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well, I ordered a megrez 72 about three weeks ago. When it came I noticed a little cosmetic damage and FLO agreed to replace it as soon as stocks were replenished. While I was waiting I played around with the meg and decided it wasn't for me. The scope itself was absolutely beautiful - perhaps the nicest piece of kit I ever owned but to get the best out of it I really would've needed some new kit (especially a better tripod) and I didn't want to spend any more cash. Also, in terms of performance, I'd say my 6" Newt was better in all respects except double stars (but I'd almost keep the meg for that alone - it was that good - like some huge cosmic alien was eyeballing me across the void...). My interests are purely visual so maybe it was just the wrong thing for me.

Anyway, on Monday, I laid her gently back in her box and I would be lying if I said I didn't shed a tear to see her go :crybaby: FLO kindly let me choose a Skyliner 250px dob instead and today it arrived :hello1: :hello1: :hello1: (which I suspect is the proximate casue of the snow). It's pretty much the same as the skyliner 150 I already have except - it's BIGGER MUCH BIGGER; also, the focusser seems a bit classier; and the collimation screws are big chunky knobs rather than teeny weeny screws (by the way, am I right in thinking that the big regular screws are for tightening and the furled knobs are for adjusting?).

if the snow stops, I'll be able to report back as to how a 10" compares to a 6" in heavily LP'd skies :)

anyway, here's a pic

thanks for reading



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Nice :) Hope you get some clear skies soon.

If it's the same as the 12" (no reason to suspect otherwise) the larger diameter flat head knobs are the adjustments and the long smaller diameter ones (with the slot for a flat-head screwdriver) are the lockscrews - don't use a screwdriver to tighten them though as they only need to be locked hand-tight.

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