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The most versatile Nexstar SLT telescope?


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I have been able to use the Nextar SLT MAK 127 SLT telescope, and I think that the optical tube is fantastic, for its size it provides a good visual  image ..
I know there are three other optical tubes, a 130mm/650 mm reflector and a 102mm / 660mm focal length refractor.,also a small Maksutov 3.5"
Is there anyone who has been able to test all the optical tubes of the Nexstar SLT series?
In your opinion what would be the most  versatile telescope, with more flexibility in terms of performance and image quality?



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It all depends on what you want to look at.

  • Newtonian do not or should not suffer from chromatic abberation. If it does then poor or cheap eyepieces being used.
  • Refractor good for astrophotogaphy, but tend to cost more as aperture and length increases. Cheaper ones do suffer from chromatic abberation. 
  • Maksutov generally tend to be good for the Moon and planets.

Unfortunately, no telescope does everything. That said, smaller refractor's and catadioptric's can be used terrestrially too.

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