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M45 - Pleiades

Roy Batty

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It was a fantastic clear one last night, mind you a bit on the chilly side. This is a total of about 30mins worth of subs, and probably the first time I've had a real go at this target.

Post processing was fun - getting pixinsight DBE just so is a bit of a dark art.

Here's the detail: Prime focus DSLR (un-modded) on C8-N, 5 X 5min subs, ISO800, guided with an ED80 using PHD and a webcam.


M45 - Pleiades


(click to enlarge)

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Thanks for the comments guys.

Once I posted this I noticed that the boundary of the nebulosity had a slight red hint to it which I have corrected in the following re-process. Maybe it just me being a bit picky but I'm happier now with this second version.



(click to enlarge)

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