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NGC7000 North American Nebula


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While waiting for another target to rise into view I decided to kill some time and point my scope for the first time at the North American Nebula  -  I'd managed to get the scope setup, polar aligned and tracking much quicker than normal!  Wasn't expecting anything spectacular as using an unmodded Canon 750D with a SkyWatcher Esprit 80ED i.e. no narrowband filters.  Ended up with 15 x 300s exposures at 1600ISO.  This is my first effort using PixInsight for pre processing and image enhancement.  Thought I would leave the stars in the image as shot as think they add to image in this instance.  Still very new to this so would appreciate any comments or advice on how the image could be improved.

North American Nebula 200818.jpg

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22 hours ago, lux eterna said:

I think this looks great. Composition (framing) is perfect and MeToo like the dense starfield - it´s spectacular. Maybe I would have tried a slightly more "neutral" (?) colour tone, I had a go at it in PS :



Thanks, it's strange as now I look at the posted jpg there's a definite red/ purple tint.  I can't see this on the original .TIF file in Photoshop so must be something to do with how the image was compressed and converted -  still learning!!

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