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I think I saw.....


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I think I managed to find the Orion Nebula last night (well, more like 2am this morning). I'm not entirely sure that it was but fairly certain it was something. I'd popped outside to see what it was like and noticed the sky had cleared. As I couldn't sleep, I grabbed my Nexstar 4SE and went outside. I didn't bother with aligning it, as it's not been working very well and I didn't want to waste time as clouds were rolling in.

I started off looking at the moon and the turned my attention to what I now know is Betelgeuse - beautiful. It was only then I noticed that Orion was showing and so, knowing that there were nubulae in Orion, I popped inside to consult a book to find out where to look. I decided that I was unlikely to see the Horse head with my 4" scope and so turned my attention to M43/42. Having looked in the book, I formed a mental image of roughly where to look when back outside.

I put my finder on and moved the scope to a point roughly in the middle of the trapezium and then started scanning with my 25mm EP. Then there it was - well, something kind of fuzzy looking! I popped on my 12.4EP and had a closer look. There was certainly something there, as it appeared to look like clouds in front of the stars, yet the sky in that area was clear! I finally attached my 9.7EP and had a closer look. Wow! I'm sure by now that it must be a nebula, although I'm not exactly sure which one! I was thrilled to be seeing whatever it was though!

If I had to describe it, I'd say that through my scope the appeared to be a small triangle of bright stars behind what looked like a cloud of dust / gas. The cloud almost looked like three blobs, two on top of each other and another to the left of the top one. Then heading diagonally down to the right were three more stars in a line (so I guess they must in-fact go to the left as it would have been reversed in the scope). I know that's a fairly Rubbish description, but anyone know what it might have been?

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Yep, sounds like the great Orion Nebula (M42/M43) to me. A haunting sight at high mag in a moonless sky


The moon was out and not all that far from it, but the view was still pretty cool! I've had a look at some photos and am now convinced it was what I saw. :thumbright: Now, I'm even more determined to get a bigger scope so I can see things more clearly!

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Without sounding like I'm gloating, It truley is spectacular through my 10" Newt. Intricate detail can bee seen in the clouds and the Trapezium stars are fantastic at high magnification. I can see the green tinge to the nebula quite clearly (basically the only nebula I have ever seen a hint of colour in).

Admitadly I wont be viewing it until the winter mainly due to a tree just in the wrong place to the South East and also my inability to stay up too far in to the wee hours!


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