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Choosing my first telescope

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12 minutes ago, Cosmic Geoff said:

That's definitely the worst case.   My 7AH battery cost under £20, and the borrowed external hard drive power pack cost nothing extra.

Thats awesome then lol, thanks a lot! :)

6 minutes ago, fiestazetecmk2 said:

Hi.whatever you do decide to buy.please try before you buy..any good dealer will give you a demo or even try out before you buy.also think about where you live.maybe you can just use it in your garden.if you need to travel to a dark site then you may have to carry all your gear in your car.carrying heavy gear could be detrimental to your enjoyment. Lots to think about but take your time.hope this helps.

I sure will, I've been thinking about it for really long time(since I was a kid really), and hopefully I'll try a few different telescopes in the near future, then I'll really be able to decide what I want and need.

as I said before, I live in a small city(more like a village with 10k people~) which is located on a mountain near the big cities around me, obviously, its not an isolated desert or anything, but I assume its better than the average user that lives in a city. And Im quite fine with carrying heavy gear etc, I was in the army for 3 years, so..Im kinda used to that shi[t] ^_^

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