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Mars Opposition 2018

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A Composite Image of Mars Approaching Opposition 2018

Equipment/Processing Details: Orion SkyView Pro 180mm Maksutov-Cassegrain, Orion StarShoot 5MP Solar System Camera, Celestron T-thread/2x Barlow, processed in Registax/Photoshop. 

Image details: Video shot at 640x480 in EZPlan Cap software in five separate sessions on 29 June, 6 July, 13 July, 21 July, and 27 July (opposition).



In this composite image, you can see the effect of the dust storm which seemed to have peaked around 13 July and gradually began to subside, allowing you to see some dark regions and polar albedo once again. I plan on continuing my observations and occasional imaging of Mars over the next few months as detail inevitably becomes more visible. Though it will be progressively shrinking after perigee, Mars will be revealing more of its gorgeous features in the coming months!

Reggie :)

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