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APT v3.54.1 Start up issues


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Hi All, 

I am getting started in Astrophotography and looking forward to getting started.


I am having a slight issue though with APT (Demo version), background is I have downloaded all the ASCOM software to get going including EQASCOM, AltAir Capture, PHD2, SharpCap and Stellarium.


I know I have only downloaded the demo version of APT buit wanted to see what it was like and have a play before purchasing the licence. The Issue is when I start up APT I am constantly getting messages stating the following 2 things:-

"Cannot open Configuration File (APT.xml)" and

"Cannot Open Configuration File (C:\Program Files(x86)\Astro Photography Tool-APT\APT.xml)"

I wonder if I am doing anything wrong, i.e. Not opening certain programs in certain order or is there some actual issue with the software, could it also be that as I have not got the full license yet it just wont load up.

I am running Windows 10  and have checked to make sure my Telescope (NexStar 6SE), both CCD cameras (AltAir Astro GPCAM2 IMX224 and GPCAMv2 AR0130)  (one on Telescope for Imaging and one on AltAir 60mmGuide Scope are connected to the other programs.

Would really like to have a play with it to see how well it performs (as stated on www.ideiki.com even with the demo version I should get up and running) and know that most people are going to say get the license and getting going.

I have run compatibility mode as well and even through Windows 8 it still had the same issues.

Any advice would be really helpful.




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