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Mmm - oohh problems, problems!


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Had a bit of luck, this week, my Dad retired and had a big payout and split haplf between my brother and myself! £5k in the hand! So... Just upgraded to a new EOS 450D which I needed (use an old 300d at the moment) and am going to spend £2.5k of it going to Japan for the eclipse next year for my partner Rachel and myself...

Heres my problem! The other £2k of it I was thinking on spending on a skypod dome (I fancy these rather than a shed or whatever as I can move it to a new house if we move or whatever and I'll always have it as something I would never have had and my Dad sorted me with - I'm sentimental like that!) - Heres the rub... 40 ft garden, flower beds either side as Rach has just gotten into gardening - Is hypnosis or sodium pentothal a good way of bringing her around to the correct (my) way of thinking?! We got the space, just need to persuade her that a large domed plastic shed is just the thing the garden has been missing.

Any suggestions?!

Oh, to have my problems... I expect I'll generate a few tears with this one... :crybaby:

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