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Solar Filter Choice ?

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I'd like to get a solar filter for my Vixen 102 refractor - I'm thinking about the full aperture type that fit onto the dew shield ( securely ! ).

There seem to be a number of different types available - what are the pros and cons of the different types ?.

Is it OK to use Nagler eyepieces with a solar filter or would it be better to invest in a simpler EP design for this purpose ?.



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John, I don't know about dewshield white-light filters, but AIUI the Herschel wedges are supposed to be great if you have the £££ (significantly more expensive than the other option though!)

Prevailing wisdom is that simpler is better for solar eyepieces, and the TeleVue Plossls I used to use were very good ... but I also find the 8mm Ethos a superb solar eyepiece and that's far from simple.

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I've always used (and liked) the glass ones but have heard good things about the Baader cloth-type, too. Take a look at online images and see which view you prefer.. the glass shows the Sun as a deep gold disc, whereas the Baader cloth (iirc) gives a brighter 'blue' appearance.

If cost is a factor there's not much flexibility with the glass filters, but with the Baader cloth you have an option to make your own. If you're in a club, see if anyone else is interested.. I believe it's more cost-effective to get a larger piece of cloth and cut several filters from it than it would be for individual members to order separate, smaller pieces. Might make a fun project at one of the meetings, too. :undecided:

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The Baader ND5 film is hard to beat IMHO. For £15 you can make a filter and still have enough film left to make an additional filter for my finder!...that's what I did :undecided:

*PS..the film even comes with simple instructions on how to make a filter using cardboard.


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