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Jupiter 23rd May 2018

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Not a scope meant for planets and the image is a bit small. ?  FLT98 with 4x powermate, Baader L filter, ASI224MC,. Best 25% of 60s video at 200fps. 5mS exposure, gain 405. Stacked in Autostakkert and processed with Astra Image plugin in Photoshop.



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Thanks for the compliments. ? The time was 00:34 so the date should really be the 24th May. With a scope Dawes limit of 1.18" and Jupiter at 44.3" diameter, with my 130 pixel diameter image I'm sampling at 3.5 x the Dawes limit so I seem to have cut through the 'seeing' pretty well even at its current low altitude. The biggest improvement was the L filter. I tried it first without a filter and the red and blue channels were a blurry mess.


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