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First Jupiter of the year

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Last night I took out the scope late because I was waiting to see if the conditions would be good enough. Conditions were acceptable, but could definitely be better.
While waiting for the moon to be visible from my balcony i observed the M81 and M82 which are always nice to see. At 1am the moon became visible, and I observed it a different mags, but I found that my 4,7mm was way too much, and the 8,8mm worked quite well at times. The Tycho crater looked really nice and I studied this crater for a while.

At 2am Jupiter became visible, but the condition were so poor that I could barely use the 8,8mm. Only three cloud belts were visible, however the third one came and went. I spent some time observing Jupiter but I packet up at 2:30am and called it a night.

The fact that the planets are extremely low in Denmark, and my balcony is pointing toward WWN is really not a good combination... This makes me want a more portable setup, or a darker site with more sky visible....

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