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webcam - use IR block filter or not?

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Playing with my webcam trying to get a decent picture of Saturn. I read that the webcams are very sensitive to IR and should have an IR block filter in place. Do you guys use one or is it counterproductive?

The bodged webcam thingy that I made gives better images with no filter in place than the EX Pro with the filter. So to save me wasting lots of time tonight doing with and without tests i thought I'd ask the experts.


Captain Chaos

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If you want true colour then use the IR filter. If it doesn't bother you then don't - but webcams are set up for colour and for using an IR filter so the balance will be out if you leave it off. The more colourful the target the more you will notice this imbalance


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So guys, how do you educate your financial moderator?

She knows I've got two already, the smaller one arrived first, then a bigger one.

How come I need TWO? The third is bound to be unnecessary, isn't it?

If I need this new one, what were the other two for?

Could I sell the two I have and THEN buy the third?

I need an analogy here, and quick.

Something like - I need two hacksaws, theres a big one and a little "junior" one, but hey they only cost a few quid AND thats just two. What costs a few hundred quid that you need three of? TVs? Nah - too cheap. Washing nachines - don't even go there!

Help needed here guys and Gal

Captain Chaos

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Really good idea this, but foiled. Fell at the last hurdle. She just downsized to "only" about a dozen pairs from literally hundreds. Very bad timing that was.

Maybe have to sell something? Anybody want any old Alfas? Cheap? Thought not.

Wonder how much I could get on e-bay for ten pairs of ladies shoes.

My biggest problem is with some guy on telly showing people how to pay off their mortgage in two years which we get to watch at feeding time. I blame him.

I've checked Autotrader for big white renault vans full of fivers, no luck there. And working in a pub, seems they don't want to pay me to sit in a corner with a laptop doing the accounts. Why not? It's working!

There will be a way, the farce is with me!

Captain Chaos

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