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W/O red dot finder

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Looking for a quick answer before setting off back to the shop. Bought a William optics Z73 a few weeks ago and had to wait for the red dot finder to come in stock. Picked up the red dot finder about an hour ago, baffled how it fits. The bracket come with 2 M5 bolts to fit to the scope but the scope has 2 M4 bolts???

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Just got back from the shop where I bought the red dot finder from, and after a bit of head scratching it would seem I will need a 3/16th bolt for it to work not the 2 M5 that it came supplied with. the shop is going to get in contact with WO to find out what's going on, in the mean time I will be doing a little shopping on Amazon and the shop will kindly sort me out with a credit for the bolt/s if I get hold of some.

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20 minutes ago, greealilee said:

Just got back from the shop where I bought the red dot finder from, and after a bit of head scratching it would seem I will need a 3/16th bolt for it to work not the 2 M5 that it came supplied with. the shop is going to get in contact with WO to find out what's going on, in the mean time I will be doing a little shopping on Amazon and the shop will kindly sort me out with a credit for the bolt/s if I get hold of some.

Sounds unlikely, I have several WO scopes and all have 5mm screws to fit the WO RDF.


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Now I'm really confused, I have the WO Z73 with 2 silver screws either side of the scope. I have unscrewed all 4 and yet the supplied M5 does not fit any, while in the shop they tried an M4 bolt only for it to tighten up on a quarter turn.

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25 minutes ago, greealilee said:

Well I have made it fit. I have taken the foam lining of the underside of the bracket and used the silver screw on the scope to fit it. All well just another 3 hours of my life gone!

I contacted WO about this and they said on no account to use those silver screws to attach the RDF, not sure why as the silver screws don't appear to serve any purpose.


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