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ZWO Camera Won't Connect With PHD2

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I am currently setting up for a run on the M81 and 82 pair, and everything is working fine except connecting to my guidecam, a ZWO ASI webcam. Ive tried pulling out the cables and plugging em back in again, and also switching cables between the main EOS cam and the ZWO, (which was working fine with SharpCap a minute ago, and which now wont connect in that either). 

I get this message in PHD :

What do I do?

EDIT: Ive brought the cam inside and connected it (without USB extender) into my laptop and it still wont work. Unfortunately I have only one USB cable with the "square" head, so if the USB is broke, I cant replace it tonight.


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You've probably already tried this, but I have to restart both programs if I accidentally or on purpose pull a usb out, neither will recognize cam without restarting them on my laptop.  Other than that, does your computer see a device is connected to your usb port?  Hope you get it straightened out.

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