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M41 in city skies?


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Hello sgl

I'm thinking on shooting M41 with a unmodded dslr and gso 10 f4 astrograph. I'm gonna shoot from city where I can see 3 mag stars (don't know what number my sky is on bottle scale) I can take guided shots and have polemaster. Should I go for this target? I don't have any oc pics. And m45 is too big. I also have pixinsight trial version and wanna do some good testing of background extractor. 

Help please :help:

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its quite a bright open cluster  you should be able to find and image it, although not normally one of the 'wow' objects, it has different colour stars in the cluster, so you should try to bring that out.  i think its about 0.5deg diameter, so should be good framing with the GSO.. there are many objects in that area, so you will find something for sure :)

good luck


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