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Bahtinov Grabber has stopped working

Red meteor

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I have found that since the recent Windows 10 update Bahtinov Grabber does not work. When the focus area is set there is an error message saying that it cannot find the ASCOM driver. Has anyone else found this problem? Better still has anyone found a solution? I am using the stand alone grabber and not as a utility on APT.

Thanks, Graham

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Already a known matter / issue, see the thread below.. here in this FORUM !! some few workarounds are available, but rread the THREAD and decide which way you want to act.. to fix the reason..

Good luck




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Astro software works best on Win XP, Vista and 7.. I recommend postponing the update of the OS to Win 10, especially for astronomy, for a few years until the bugs and incompatibilities have been ironed out.

I know that solutions can be found for today's issues but most of the time these problems show them selves during a planned imaging session, and do you really want to risk troubleshooting during the rare clear nights we have?

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Do you need Bahtinov grabber? It's another bit of software bent on wasting your time when it stops working - which is what software does. When I use a B-mask visually and then check it against Full Width Half Max I find no real improvement is possible. At one time I thought that FWHM could beat the visually interpreted B-mask but now I doubt it. I think differences have more to do with cool down and seeing. There is so much software out there pretending to tell you that it knows more than you do.  You are the astrophotographer!!!

Olly (Yes, stone age.)

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