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shooting Andromeda issues

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Hi all been have slight issues with Andromeda.
my setup is skywatcher star adventurer with a nikon 5300 and tamron 16-300mm using this at 300mm f6.3, processing deep sky stacker and cs2 Photoshop.
my question is can i use different exposure times and would dss just take care of rest? 
also how long would be advised 60sec? 90sec? i have tried 60sec at 1000iso and it seams about right not dark or light and blown out and took 30 lights 10 dark 10 bias 10 flat yet seams very grainy and blocky in photoshop.
i know there is no 100% setting but if someone can point me in the right direction that would be appreciated thanks.

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I’ve asked the same question about stacking subs of different duration. So far looks as though the recommended approach is to stack them independently, then align/ blend using layers / masks in CS.

Assuming all else is OK I think you probably just need more data- some of the M31 pics on here have 1hr + total integration time.

Longer subs would be better, but at that FL I guess you’re tracking my not be great  so are limited to 1min subs. (I know I am- I get around 50% usable frames with my SA @ 300mm if I go much longer than 1 minute).

You also want to get some shorter subs in so you can keep detail in the brighter core.


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Someone had to point out to me that in DSS where the file names appear you have tabs.

Put all your subs and darks for one length with the flats and bias in tab 1.

Open tab 2 and put darks and subs for another length in here (it will use the same flats and bias unless you add different ones).

Repeat for as many sets of data as you have.


You can stack subs from different nights this way, with different flats, sub lengths etc. All very easy.


This might not be enough if you just want to 'repair' the core of a bright target with short subs, in this case do two stacks and blend using layer masks and/or different levels of transparency.

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well ive taken a 100 subs at 90 seconds at 1000iso done me darks bias flats all for andromada.....also done 40 subs of the orion flame nebula at 90secs plus calibration files so unfortunately the end of the night got work 1st thing so will process them tomorrow evening hope to post some good results.... 


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