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Ngc 1333 Star Forming Region

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Hi. My second entry is the star forming region ngc 1333.

This target has always fascinated me as it has a bit of everything, reflection, emission and a whole load of dust.

Ngc 1333 is an active star forming region located in Perseus. At the centre of the nebula you can see the red glow from recently formed stars. Located about 780 light years from earth this is one our closest stellar nurseries. Observations of what are believed to be up to 50 brown dwarfs have been made in the nebula.

Taken over 3 nights 11/12/15 December

This is 14 hrs in 600 second subs at 0 gain using the Asi 071 cooled to -5.

Shot through my William Optics Star 71 and a Hutech Idas Lps P2 filter. 

Stacked in Dss. Processed in PI and PS.




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