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I think I'll buy myself a Skywatcher Star Adventurer for a wee Christmas present for myself. Didn't trust my mum to buy the right thing! She'd probably end up buying something else completely! She did get me a great t-shirt though that says "I'm either stargazing or thinking about it" so I'm a happy bunny. Hope you have had a great Christmas :icon_biggrin:

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12 minutes ago, M Astronomy said:

I think I'll buy myself a Skywatcher Star Adventurer for a wee Christmas present for myself. Didn't trust my mum to buy the right thing! She'd probably end up buying something else completely! She did get me a great t-shirt though that says "I'm either stargazing or thinking about it" so I'm a happy bunny. Hope you have had a great Christmas :icon_biggrin:

HaHa. That shirt is probably the most accurate thing I have seen all day!

Merry Christmas. :icon_santa:

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