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Heart mosaic and Soul dreams


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So, in the beginning of december I had some good nights. I started shooting the Heart, but got the framing wrong. I think that might have been a lucky unfortune, because the heart barely fits with my rig, so I ended up taking another set for the bottom part. I also messed up that framing, so had to do a third part for a corner.

Anyways, it's a total of ~16 hours of 5min shots, individually postprocessed in PS and stitched in Microsoft ICE (magic program). It probably took me 16 more hours to postprocess all of these frames to the same colour and blackpoint etc.

The original is 5064*4647, but I reduced this one to 2000.


I have a perverse dream of shooting enough around this and the soul to create a giant mosaic, but I'll need more clear nights and a whole lot of time to process all that into one. The Soul is obviously a different colour, which I need to re-process.


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