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Artemis capture


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Hi all

I've been using Armetis for the last few sessions  but a couple of things have come up that someone may be able to shed some light on.I have saved a txt file of star markers in marker mode for import in to future sessions to align  Atik camera but how do I recall this to screen as I'm looping shots. 

I also had a brief lock up where  subs didn't download on screen(or as files)..it just said "flushing"??Switched it off  and it was back working again.Does Anyone have any ideas on that.

Many thanks

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I've not used the Marker facility myself, so will be interested to know the answer to that too.

As regards flushing, I had this happen to me recently for the first time after using Artemis for some years and I did ask Atik what it was, apparently it is the camera trying to download the data, no idea why it struggles sometimes and not others - never had it before.  I have changed my USB extension leads since as they are getting quite old, and am hoping this will sort the problem.   Mine was even worse as switching off and on again didn't sort mine, so I changed laptops mid imaging session.  

Make sure you have ticked the autosave box in the Exposure window to make sure the downloaded files get saved.  N.B. Make sure you untick it when looping or you'll end up with 100s of unwanted images.  


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Thanks Carole..yes,ive already had dozens of looped 3 second shots in the folder by accident.The marker mode is a mystery.It must be something obvious that I've overlooked.I think I'm going to get registar today after you mentioned it.Could I ask where it comes in workflow?If I'm using Dss it seems like you have to align rgb to a luminance sub to get colour..So register must be first. 

Many thanks


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If I'm using Dss it seems like you have to align rgb to a luminance sub to get colour..So register must be first. 

No Registar comes after you have stacked the individual filters as mono images i.e.  separate stacks of Luminance, Red, Green, Blue, or Ha, Oiii, Sii if you are doing narrowband.

Once you have the individual stacks, you register them in Registar to make sure they are all orientated the same (and the same size if you have used binning or are using data from different cameras/scopes).  Registar will re-size and even stretch images so all the stars fit over each other, and it is also a good idea to use the crop tool so you don't even need to slide the different channels around to make them sit over each other.

Once they have been registered in Registar you can combine the channels R,G,B and make a coloured image.  Process that and separately process the luminance and finally place the Luminance over the top of the RGB as a layer and blend as luminosity.   If the resulting image has washed out the colour you can adjust the separate layers in curves a little before flattening but try not to lose too much of the detail in the Luminance layer.

No idea how to do this in Pixinsight if that's what you use. 




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5 hours ago, carastro said:


No idea how to do this in Pixinsight if that's what you use. 




I dont have PI or any astro PP software.Just researching best option for moving forward with processing pictures on the SL forum and started wondering will Astroart6 not do the same job as registar in terms of stacking different image sizes eg 1x1 and binned 2x2 colour?


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