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Dual Imaging Rig

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Hi Sara

Thanks for the recommendation. That will be the saddle I go for if I need one. I saw Ollie's Cassady T-GAD last time I was down there - and even if I could get hold of one I think it would exceed my mount's weight limit all by itself! :icon_biggrin:

I'm hoping to use just the one PC - my problem is that I have two SX Filter wheels, so some jiggery-pokery needed to be able to use both at the same time. I have spoken to Terry Platt (SX designer) about it - and he confirms you would have to use one wheel on USB, and the other on Serial. Good job I don't need three wheels! :icon_biggrin:



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1 minute ago, swag72 said:

Luckily Lakeside has a dual auto focus driver so each knows which one it is ...if that make sense.

Indeed it does! I have just got a Lakeside for the Megrez - and noticed the dual drivers.

Now if only Terry could be so accommodating! (Only joking - he's an incredibly helpful guy!)



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Do you actually need to be able to activate both of the FWs? This might sound like a nutty question but a likely shoot would be Ha all night in one and, say, RGB in the other. Or L in one and RGB in the other. You could set one FW to Ha or L, unplug it and then have the other one active. Or it might be OIII all night in one and Ha all night in the other. Very often we change filters only on one scope during the night.


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Hi Olly

Oddly enough, someone on Cloudy Nights made the exact same suggestion. It will be my starting point.

But later on I would maybe like to do LB (Lum/Blue) in the WO98 Triplet, and RG in the Megrez Doublet. I suppose even then I could shoot one filter at a time. But that throws automation right out of the window.

Having said that - I can see me doing Ha/OIII pretty much exclusively. Well - unless my neighbour suddenly decides to do something about his outside lights! :icon_biggrin:

Thanks for the confirmation that I am on the right (initial) track for the FW.

Oh how I wish the Megrez was a triplet. Having said that - I haven't seen what it is like with RGB - so maybe I am worrying about nothing!



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