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JPEG Preview

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I understand that the preview images on a Canon have the same processing as if they were saved as jpegs.

Last night I noticed that the camera was doing a great job of colour balancing the preview even with my modded camera - M42 had swirling magenta, teal and blue. The flame and the nebulosity around the horsehead were different orange and red colours .

I have never bothered setting the camera to save a jpeg as well, but if I did is there a way to extract the data from it that will tell me how it has been stretched and colour balanced?

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If you're saving them as RAW then they should have the camera white balance coded (but not applied). At least when I use Lightroom it seems to be able to adopt the same white balance. As a check, you could always do a daytime test and process through Canon's software with the RAW and compare to the in-camera JPG.

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20 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

I understand that the preview images on a Canon have the same processing as if they were saved as jpegs.

Last night I noticed that the camera was doing a great job of colour balancing the preview even with my modded camera - M42 had swirling magenta, teal and blue. The flame and the nebulosity around the horsehead were different orange and red colours .

I have never bothered setting the camera to save a jpeg as well, but if I did is there a way to extract the data from it that will tell me how it has been stretched and colour balanced?

Look at the EXIF data for most of the camera/shot details, you should be able to see this data in a jpeg as well as RAW.

If you have Canon DPP you should be able to see the the tone curve applied to the RAW.
Not sure but would believe this curve is applied in camera as well, unless anyone knows different.

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