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magellanic clouds


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Here are both Magellanic clouds, imaged from San Pedro de Atacama last week.





Imaged with: Canon 5d3, Sigma 70-200 f2.8 at 200mm f2.8. For the LMC it was30x30 second subs at ISO3200, and for the SMC 26 x 30 second subs at ISO3200. Mounted on a Star Adventurer.

Target centering was by an RDF mounted in the flash socket of the camera.

Proc, Lightroom, PI and PS.

at just over 22 degrees South, and our hotel being due North of the town and it light, I couldn't Polar align, couldn't find any pointer stars, and Sharpcap refused to solve. so PA was by the compass and inclinometer on my iPhone, so it's not perfect, there's some trailing, so please don't pixel peep!



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Nice LMC, and a nice SMC as well.

Polar aligning in the Southern Hemisphere isn't easy if you are not used to it! It took me a while to find the Southern Cross, once I did I knew I was basically pointing south but it was still tricky despite practising virtually before I got there.

I would love to spend two or 3 hours on the LMC, I only managed about 10 minutes a few years ago due to poor weather, a target well worth spending the time on.

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