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Adaptive Digital Pixel Binning

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I came across this paper the other day... "Low-Light Image Enhancement Using Adaptive Digital Pixel Binning", 2015.



I've been playing with JamesF's oacapture, adding the facility to boost the brightness of the preview image for help focusing or a bit of EAA-type stuff. I initially added pixel value multiplication (ex x2, x8, etc) and pixel binning (eg 2x2, etc). The former amplifies noise as well as signal and the latter reduces spatial resolution. I reinvented digital pixel binning which preserves spatial resolution but smooths details by low-pass filtering. The paper linked has this image to describe the two:

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is sensors-15-14917-g001.jpg


Not one to hang about, I gave implementing their algorithm a go - it goes beyond the simply digital pixel binning (b) in the diagram above. It's a couple of hundred lines of C++, mostly comments. I've only tested it using the PS3 Eye webcam which is currently sitting in the dark pointing at a hank of paracord...


This was with the camera set to 3fps, low gain, low-ish exposure, just enough so that I could test 4x/8x routines within the available brightness range.

Here's what it looks like multiplying all pixel values by 8:


The 2x2 digital pixel binning does a job of removing some of the noise but loses a bit of sharpness.


The ADPB algorithm does a better job still:



The algorithm consists of four steps:

  • calculate the optimum amplification ratio for each pixel based on a 3x3 average kernel (brightness adaptive)
  • calculate a binning pattern based on neighbouring pixel values (context adaptive)
  • blend a uniform binning pattern to reduce noise (noise adaptive)
  • blend in the original to remove saturation

It does this with a single pass over the image, inspecting neighbouring pixels and doing it's thing. ... no, convolution of 3x3 averaging kernel, find max pixel, then a single pass for everything else... that's three.


Another comparison with an improved image to begin with:



And a closeup of the earlier comparison:




I don't know what's in other software or if there are simpler algorithms you could run to despeckle or what - I've not done any image processing really other than AS!2-the-moon. Just learned about darks in SharpCap, but this looked pretty neat and wasn't that hard to implement once I got my head around their mathsy notation.


Is this interesting to anyone?

Edited by furrysocks2
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 * Adaptive Digital Pixel Binning
 * https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4541814/
 * G       8bit input image
 * F       8bit output image
 * W       image width (eg 640)
 * H       image height (eg 480)
 * Rb      maximum binning ratio (eg 4)
 * lambda  noise suppression sensitivity (eg 16.0, 1.0)
 * mu      pixel depth?? (eg 255)
 * #include <algorithm>; // std::min, std::max, std::sort
struct AbsCompare {
  bool operator()(int16_t a,int16_t b){return abs(a)<abs(b);}  // compare by absolute value

void adpb(const uint8_t* G, uint8_t* F, int W, int H, int Rb, double lambda, int mu)
  double* const HG=new double[W*H];                            // allocate 3x3 average buffer
  double max=0;                                                // find max average value
  for(int y=0;y<H;++y) for(int x=0;x<W;++x){                   // iterate all pixels
    const int L=(x-1+W)%W,R=(x+1+W)%W,U=(y-1+H)%H,D=(y+1+H)%H; // wrap at edges
    const double avg=(G[U*W+L]+G[U*W+x]+G[U*W+R]+              // convolve 3x3 average kernel
                      G[y*W+L]+G[y*W+x]+G[y*W+R]+              // ...
                      G[D*W+L]+G[D*W+x]+G[D*W+R])/9.0;         // ...
    if(avg>max)max=avg; HG[y*W+x]=avg;}                        // find max and store average
  for(int y=0;y<H;++y) for(int x=0;x<W;++x){                   // iterate all pixels
    const double hg=HG[y*W+x],t=hg/max,                        // average/fractional pixel values
                 r=1+(1-t)*(Rb-1);                             // optimal binning ratio
    const uint8_t g=G[y*W+x];                                  // center pixel value
    const int L=(x-1+W)%W,R=(x+1+W)%W,U=(y-1+H)%H,D=(y+1+H)%H; // wrap at edges
    int16_t d[9]={g-G[U*W+L],g-G[U*W+x],g-G[U*W+R],            // calculate differences
                  g-G[y*W+L],g-G[y*W+x],g-G[y*W+R],            // ...
                  g-G[D*W+L],g-G[D*W+x],g-G[D*W+R]};           // ...
    std::sort(d,d+9,AbsCompare());                             // sort differences, abs(a)<abs(b)
    double bc=0,bu=0;                                          // accumulators for convolution
    for(int q=1;q<=9;++q){                                     // iterate sorted differences
      const uint8_t s=g-d[q-1];                                // original pixel value
      const double contrib = r-(q-1);                          // calculate contribution
      bc+=contrib>1?s:contrib>0?(s*contrib):0;                 // convolve context kernel
      bu+=(q==1)?s:(((r-1.0)/8.0)*s);}                         // convolve uniform kernel
    const double gamma=abs(hg-g)/lambda,                       // combination coefficient
                 b=((1.0-gamma)*bc)+(gamma*bu),                // denoised pixel value
                 w=(1.0/mu)*((b/(Rb-1.0))+(g/2.0)),            // blending coefficient
                 f=(1.0-w)*(b)+w*(g);                          // blend for anti-saturation
    F[y*W+x]=std::max(0.0,std::min(255.0,f));}                 // final pixel value
  delete[](HG);                                                // clean up

Edit: DON'T call with Rb==1, lambda==0.0 or mu==0.0! And don't feed it a frame with all pixel values of 0.

Edited by furrysocks2
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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...

hi furrysocks2, 

This algorithm looks interesting. I'm interested to try it out. How can I try it out on visual studio using an 8-bit still image? Just a simple testbench will do.

Thanks in advance.
Best regards,


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  • 1 year later...


I came across this paper independently recently.

Thought I would prototype it in Matlab (my tool of choice for playing with signal processing.)

Any further experience of this? Interested as a "black box" in EAA processing.

Or has anyone else given this a go?


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  • 4 weeks later...

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