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Missing matter finally found!

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6 hours ago, MarsG76 said:

To me it's starting to sound like dark matter/energy is starting to unravel... or more to the point.. the "creative" mathematics to "prove" dark whatever is starting to come to light.


Actually, these results say nothing about dark matter.

Dark matter ("weird" stuff; not protons and neutrons, which are baryons) makes up 25.8% of the mass/energy density budget of the universe, and baryonic normal matter ("normal" stuff; protons and neutrons) makes up 4.8%.

The 4.8% normal matter component is inferred from things like patterns in the the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), i.e., it does not come from direct astronomical observation. Prior to the results published in the papers referenced in this thread, only about half of the 4.8% of the normal matter component had been observed "directly". The results in the papers account for more of the 4.8% normal matter component (without increasing the number 4.8), and say naught about the 25.8% non-baryonic dark matter component.

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Seems to read that as the galaxies are formed along the drak matter filiments and nodes then they have managed to detect baryonic matter in the form of atoms and maybe dust along these filiments strands between the big lumpy galaxies. Which would kind of make sense.

Still it is baryonic matter and not the "real" stuff of Dark Matter.


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