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Collimation Jig


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No, not a new 'country dance' but a useful tool in the quest for achieving good collimation. Like 'em or loathe 'em, Laser Collimators have their place but they are only ever of any use if they are themselves well collimated - usual story, rubbish in, rubbish out.

But, how do you ensure that your laser collimator is itself collimated accurately? Mounting it in the chuck of a lathe and turning it slowly whilst watching the movement of the laser beam on a far wall is one way but we don't all have access to a lathe. Mounting the unit loosely in the eyepiece holder and watching the movement on the mirror whilst rotating the collimator can be dome but the projection distance is really too short to show up any offset of the beam properly.

So, I made a simple cradle out of plastic overflow pipe parts to revolve the collimator in and project the image on a wall 20 feet away. Works a treat and proved that my collimator was indeed out of collimation but a quick adjustment of the three collimating screws resolved the issue and there is now zero movement of the laser dot at 20 feet - good enough for government work, I reckon :D


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Thats a great idea using plumbers pipe SW.

I tried constucting one from some odd bits of timber recently and it was really carp so threw it.

The problem I have is my laser is a baader and is an unusual shape (check 'em out), but a slight modification to your design might work.

Thanks for sharing your idea. Nice one.


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The problem I have is my laser is a baader and is an unusual shape (check 'em out), but a slight modification to your design might work.

I have seen the Baader and it certainly is a weird shape - it reminds me of Soran's phaser in the Star Trek Film 'Generations' - oh dear what have I owned up to?

I hope a variation on my design helps you!.

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