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Need simple startup procedure for EQ8


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I have some questions regarding startup with an observatory based EQ8 (permanent installation). 

We work quite a few school visits with our outreach progam. The Telescope operators are not always able to obtain good pointing results after a 2 or 3 star alignment.

Maybe they are not thourough in their setup process.

Assuming I have a perfect polar alignment, and am starting from park, using the Synscan hand controller, what is the simplest way for me to get good GOTO results? 


AFTER the evening session is finished, and I park the scope and turn off the power. My work is done.

Next night, do I need to repeat the same procedure or can I continue with the same pointing data? Power has been turned off the previous night. Time is entered by hand.

I know I can use platesolving software and eliminate this problem, but the people working the presentation may not be capable of something that advanced in their eyes. I am talking about astronomers who are using methods from the 80's, when they were considered modern, and are set in their ways and not computer savvy. I don't mean to be condescinding or rude, but the truth is the equipment has become more advanced than the users.

Thanks for any help. 


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I have an EQ8 permanently mounted on a pier.  I control it via a computer.  

  1. When I shut it down for the night I always set it to a parked position before powering ti down.
  2. On start up, I always first unpark it
  3. clear all previous sync points.  (reading about this, this step may not be necessary)
  4. I then slew it a bit in both axises and repark it to the home position to make sure I am starting off from the correct position.  
  5. I then slew it to a bright star near the celestial equator (Altair at this time of year), then centre it in the field of view and press 'sync'.  After that, it tends to consistently put the target in the field of view.  
  6. However, if I then GOTO another object some distance away from the first target then 'sync' on it I get better pointing accuracy in subsequent slews.

I hope this helps


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This is exactly what I was wondering about. If you find anything more about clearing the older sync points, please post.  I know my colleagues have done a three star align every time they start up, without ever clearing any older info. I believe they are piling on redundant sync points and confusing the mount. 



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sync is different from alignment - whenever you redo an alignment the old alignment data is always cleared (and I suspect the sync data - it wouldn't make sense not to). Personally even after starting the EQ8 from park I find it worthwhile to redo a 2-star alignment, although in theory (if you get the time exactly right) you should not need to. If you have good polar alignment and are fixed in an observatory I don't really see why you would need sync at all.


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Thank you Nigel.

The time acquisition will always be approximate in this instance. Like I said, we are limiting the technical abilities so that the weakest user can still get the job done on his/her terms. I believe they need to try and be more exact in the alignment procedure. Appreciate the response!

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