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So I built my south facing obsy last month to house the DIY dob... I had some pretty alright-for-a-webcam moon shots through the dob last year, getting 75fps 640x480 out of the 1/4"-sensor PS3 Eye and an intense few weeks of patience and processing.

But a lot is wrong with my setup, and I mean loads!

  • No tracking for one. I point, capture while drifting, stop capture and repoint... I can get 1000, perhaps 1500 frames off per field of view, but that's an ROI typically 300x300 or so.
  • My mirror is awful. It's 8.5" but full of holes and patchy bits, covered in dust/haze, so image is not great.
  • I've not collimated in years... so I guess it serves me right.
  • My DIY alt/az bearings both need attended to... az uses the little "H" and "C" plastic tap top caps running on laminate, just needs another rub with soap, I love it but it's getting a bit stiff. Not sure what's going on with alt... creaking a bit, but a wood-creaking noise... maybe a failed glue joint somewhere, better check.
  • The 2" focusser lets me use a 2" EP, which is GREAT! but it's not easy to focus, needs some attention too - don't even ask about trying to barlow it - def need tracking for that anyway.
  • My build skills are not actually that refined... it's all a bit of a bodge, or at least everything else adding up to what I see as a poorly performing scope makes me think less of it
  • No IR filter, just a bare sensor. Again, oops.
  • The cameras themselves, perhaps. And not just the dust bunnies. Probably pushing it some at 0.75 arc-sec/pixel, too.
  • and my processing is often a little heavy handed to try to compensate for some of the above.

The "good results" I had last year are difficult to obtain... last night's images are poor in comparison. I nearly deleted the whole capture folder before bed.


Heavily cropped, 500 stack from 5000+ 75fps 640x480.


This one taken with my microscope camera, again cropped8fps@1024x768, maybe a stack of 20/200?



I think I need to pay more attention to histograms... often I end up with a very narrow range of gray. But I'll persevere... and I'm sure the equatorial platform will have it's own idiosyncrasies.

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