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AR2674 White Light retrospective!


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Missed out on the (really) "best bits" with AR2674?

But just for fun an amination of WL, HA, Solar Cont,
and CaK (DS) from one weeks ago! (2nd Sept.) :p
As ever the trusty Altair Astro ED66 (0.8x Reducer).


And a close up in Solar Continuum, Barlowed ~3x:


Looking towards the Frankenscope build, I was just about to put the (new) ST120 through
it's paces -- Comparing (White Light) via a *standard* H-Alpha filter versus Solar Continuum!
But then we had a Power Cut! :angry8: (Lasted until the clouds rolled in!) But a tentative conclusion
is that a stopped down ST120 objective performs best at Green wavelengths and not *quite*
so well at H-Alpha? There are a lot of unknowns? It might still be OK with the Lunt Etalon? :)

Undeterred, still pressing on with the (MDF-Light!) *ERF Filter Cell* and the OTA "Bung"... :D

  ERF_CellSmall.JPG.40034f2d7df415e189dd0d6764e01423.JPG  BungSmall.JPG.91565806f93262d69a0911e60097f8c6.JPG

Oh yeah... Yesterday's image of the *departing* spots. Looks quite like some of the others? ;)


Back to wrestling with water pipes to get rid of *some* of RAIN that lands in Obsy Gutter! :D

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