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Not so disappointed.....

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After driving all the way to southern Illinois (Carbondale) to shoot the eclipse with my Celestron Omni 150mm Newtonian and a Sony a6000 (after spending an inordainate amount of time collimating the scope) I can honestly say that for basic astrophotography/planetary shots etc, it was worth evert penny to get shots like this:-)  I got a lot more, and possibly captured the ISS passing in front of the sun, but I just got home really late this morning and have not had a chance to go through them all.  Can't knock the scope, works beautifully.  The mount, well, that's getting replaced once I get over my decision making disorder.....  Thanks for all the advice so far, you guys know your stuff, and it is greatly appreciated from this newbie to the astronomy side.  If anyone eve needs any photography advice just let me know.  There's less math involved so I can handle it.







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  • RAWBob changed the title to Not so disappointed.....

Yeah, I need to do a bit of post processing, but the flares are right there.  The color image was shot with clouds passing in front of the sun so is a bit noisy but I like the effect.  I'll post a few more later tonight, but overall the scope performed exceptionally well considering it's low cost.  For AP work though, I'll need some advice on what to buy next year.  I don't think I need 150mm Newtonian, a refractor may be better.  But for this eclipse, I got some amazing detail shots, as good as anything I've seen so far.  Not bad for a first attempt.  2024 will be next.


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