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17th Aug: WL + HA (Frankenscope)


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Still messing with ST102 Frankenscope at 70mm aperture!
Certainly no Quark or (virtual) "Lunt 70"! But there is hope? :p
(Making 90mm ERF cell and thinking about Donor scopes!)

As a "control" here's my WL ED66 Barlowed 3X (f/1200mm):


A now the 70mm Frankenscope image scaled to about the same size:


And also the day's main Proms (A bit noisy with the DMK41?):

03.Prom1.jpg.cbaa6a13b3a5caab115f97387b0f0ac6.jpg  04.Prom2.jpg.4b65f8c9fdd9afec2f2d7753bad0faeb.jpg

It may be that the most suitable *native* focal length for a
90mm Frankenscope is indeed about 600 (not 1200!) mm. :)

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