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Weird guiding issue using MaximDL


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Hi All,

Last night i was out try to finish my OIII and SII channel data on IC1805. I noticed somewhat of an odd behavior with guiding. It happened to me last time as well but thought it could be a temporary glitch but when it happened to me last night, i tried everything that i could think of without any luck.

So basically what happens is, i slew to a target and start guiding using the built in MaximDL guiding. Now the guiding starts off quite nicely with a good graph and all and numbers changing in the Camera 2 Information window


Then what happens is that all of a sudden, the Camera 2 Information window stops updating and the guide graph doesn't show how my guiding is going for the rest of the session.

I'm using QHY5L-IIm guidecam and the LED light at the back of the guidecam blinks so i know the camera is responsive and i also know my guiding is working in the background because after 3 min exposures my stars are still round without any star trails.

What i have done so far is remove any unnecessary USB cables, disconnected both capture camera and guide camera from the setup tab, connect them back again, when i go back to "Guide" tab and hit "Expose", the information window says "Exposing Light" and then gets frozen on "Reading CCD camera".

The only way to make the guide camera to show the information (graph) again is to shutdown maxim and re-open it back up.

Any ideas what this might be? 

The only thing to mention here is, i changed the telescope parameters from old SCT to the new Star 71 and nothing else.

Please help :(

Many thanks in advance

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