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Meade 4000 8-24mm Zoom EP (1.25")


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This came today, with all the usual excitement of imminent arrival of some new gear.


It's not one of the dearer ones, nor amongst the cheapest.  I didn't want to spend too much, as it is only for limited use, and by no means a replacement for my set of fixed-FL EPs.  I aim to use it to judge - where possible - which fixed FL to use for optimum viewing.  (I had considered the Skywatcher 9-27mm Hyperflex, but opted for the higher mag range model.)

It has a pleasant build - nothing fancy - focal lengths marked , with gradations of 1mm throughout the range.  Nice matt black finish, and large rubber grip for twisting.  The eye lens is fairly large, and the eyeguard is deep.  Eye Relief is 15-18mm through the range.  AFOV , 55*-40*.  

Now for the test.  I inserted it in the adaptor in the 2" diagonal on the 8SE, turning the thumbscrews to hold it in place for twisting.  Target, the Moon.  Aligned on same.  Mag range, x85 - x254.  Got it in focus, then away - zooming in was a good experience, with a smooth action.  The image got dimmer of course, then at the highest mag end, it went ever so slightly less crisp, but this I am sure was due to the prevailing poor transparency and poor seeing, which usually limit mag to under x200.  I also surmise that any genuine small loss of focus at that end would be due to imperfect focus at the other, and a good, dual-speed focuser would minimise that effect.

All in all, I am pleased with this purchase, and look forward to trying it on other targets (when the sky clears more).




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41 minutes ago, John said:

A good debut !

I seem to recall that the Meade zoom came top in one of the Sky @ Night magazine group tests a while back.

Thanks, John - I appreciate that from you!  And Yes, it did get a good rating from S @ N.


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