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Jupiter just before dawn


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It's wheely-bin day, so up in the dark to get things done. Jupiter was out, and with the dawn fast approaching, I hit the grab-and-go QRA button.

The scope was humming in its case (I don't think it ever stops) and within minutes we were in business. Stu had long ago taught the Induro tripod how to carry a TV85.

Used 75x to acquire and 127x to observe. Four moons, two clear main equatorial belts, gradient coloring towards the poles. Seeing was good enough to enjoy, but didn't justify higher power, so stuck with the 4.7mm Ethos for the duration.

I had just begun to wonder where the sun was, when it dawned on me.


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Funny :), I see what you did there :p.

I am sitting here having breakfast listening to the sounds of our wheely bin being collected too :)

Glad the Induro is doing its stuff! I keep being too lazy to get up and have a look, must try harder!

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