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Decent Mixed Session, At Last!!


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Finally got out this evening, after a fortnight with a viral cough and cloudy skies anyway.  First task was to hang a large towel in a tree to shield me from a neighbour's permanent outdoor light.

After aligning on Venus and checking with M45 (which was almost dead centre) I targeted Ahad's Ruby Star, 119 Tau, a red supergiant, which was clearly orange in appearance.

Next, the rich clusters M38 (Starfish) and M36 (Pinwheel) in Auriga.

The Orion Open Cluster Cr69 around Meissa followed, and nebulosity around Meissa was noticeable.  This cluster is looser than the previous two.

Then M35 open cluster in Gemini, another dense and attractive example, which was enhanced by upping the mag to x85.

Next a double, Sigma Orionis.  Three of its five components were easily resolved.  Seeing limited mag to x113, after which fuzziness crept in.

Finally, another colourful target, Hind's Crimson Star R Leporis, a carbon star, which was a pleasing richer orange than the Ruby Star.  (They are variables, after all!)

All in all, a satisfying 2.5 hour session!  







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