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Moon crater Plinius and Venus


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Hello fellow people!

I am sharing these 2 today.. sketches from a few days ago (Last Sunday) The moon was bright and nice has always has well has Venis. There was not much to see on Venus except blue and red colors on the extremities..  I suspect it was some kind of chromatic aberration (or tube current effect), But I got the shape of the planet and that was my interest for my second observation of Venus ever! The planet is really bight with a beige color but was way too low to be able to distinguish any atmospheric details..


And the moon close to the terminator line, the nice Plinius crater with a mountain range. :happy10:


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Really nice sketches! :thumbsup:

Your lunar sketch is very nicely done! With regard to Venus, were you observing it against a dark sky? If so, you were probably seeing atmospheric dispersion and not CA. It might be an idea to try and find Venus while its still in a fairly bright sky, even in full daylight, but make sure you can't accidentally sweep across the Sun. Often when I observe Venus I find its easier to make out the brighter regions than to find the shading. Once I've plotted the bright  cusps, as well as regions around the limb and sometimes against the terminator, it becomes much easier to see the subtle darker wisps of cloud. Even without seeing anything in the clouds, the phase changes are always fun to observe. And its always a challenge to observe the thinnest visible crescent, which can almost be annular. ☺


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Thanks Mike and Laudropb


I was observing against a dark sky yes, but I will do has you say and try at dusk, the planet will be much higher and it's always fun to look at the moon with a blue sky also (: good suggestion. It will be better next time.

The purple filter is supposedly good to reveal some shades of the atmosphere of this planet, did you ever tried it on your FC100 ?

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