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Hi guys just wondering, I have been using Maxim mainly but I am looking at SG pro  as im hoping to get the ZWO camera next April and I cant find much info on maxim and that particular camera. My trial of sgpro is up havnt used it for months and months in fact i had terrible trouble with the COM ports etc that I went back to synscan). Anyway I fired up SGpro today as it is still on my computer and I get the following message...... Error getting properties dialog. Retreiving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {C150CBAA-4BAD-84FF-27077B4156A0} failed due to the following error:80040154 Class not registered (exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)).

Any ideas? only thing I recognise is the COM and really dont want to mess with that again



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Sounds like some DLL got itself unregistered, just try uninstalling and then re-installing the software and the camera drivers (cleaning the registry in between might be a good plan too). Hopefully that will save you digging deeper for a manual fix..


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