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Sadr Region (Sh 2-108 & friends), DLSR


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Tried a new area last night and there is a lot going on here! I´ve avoided bright stars because my 1100D couldn´t handle it. Reflexes everywhere. Not so with this 550D.

This is 47*3 minutes at ISO 800 with the Canon EF 300/4L IS lens at f/4.0.
Canon EOS 550D (astromod.)

Stacked with flats and bias, no darks but dithered with PHD2.

I´m sure I´ll reprocess this a few times since it was kind of tricky. All of that nebulosity made it almost impossible to edit out gradients due to LP.
I tried to keep a natural look even though the data had great SNR and was very noise free so I could have stretched it quite a bit more despite the rather modest exposure time.

Hope you enjoy it!


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