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Another m31 taken over a couple of nights with a 8"SCT (with 6.3 focal reducer) unguided

Atotal of 90 mins of 2 min subs (also flats etc)

Finally now got a autoguider so hopefully some improvements over the coming weeks! :}

Anyway thanks for looking and feedback welcome




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Nice to see you got yourself a guiding setup. Which did you go for? I'm waiting for my next pay check before I place an order.

Good luck with yours, hope to see the results in this forum.

Clear skies,

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Thanks Wim

I have this autoguider


The reasoning was its light weight and that it guide upto 1500mm scope. We will see! Spent yesterday eve getting familiar with set up at trying out PHD2. The tracking graph looks like the Himalayas at the moment! :) 

But at least there is some tutorials on youtube and good threads on this site

Cant wait to get going now


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