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Two craters, two seasons.


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Stadius and Eratosthenes should have been two extremely similar form of craters.
Both have about the same size (60 Km and 70 Km to one another)
What differentiates them and only their age, Stadius is the Imbriam period and was formed about 3.8 billion anoas ago. Eratosthenes is already a much younger crater belongs to Eratosthenian period prescribed and must have formed between 1.5 to 2 billion years.
Stadius was submerged by magma rivers that flowed on the lunar surface and probably covered hundreds or thousands of craters that today only assume that existed. It's a ghost crater but still well defined as there are some extremely subtle that can only be seen in very low lighting angles such as I discovered next to Plateau Aristharcus (please consult: http://astroavani.no.comunidades.net/relatando-a-descoberta-uma-nova-cratera-fantasma).
Since Eratosthenes is a typical crater Copernicus style and to be older lacks an own-ray system, but is covered by rays Copernicus prominent crater, has a circular rim well defined inner wall with numerous terraces, central mountain peaks prominent, uneven floor, and an outer wall of ejecta.
Finally, two craters that must have been almost equal to show completely different because of the irreversible passage of time.
Font and text: Avani Soares

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