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Trying to remove the knob with the temperature gauge fitted in order to fit my autofocuser. I read the posts re the three grub screws holding the knob in place  but unfortunately the first grub screw has fallen into the  inside  and has jammed the knob and will not turn so I cant get at the other grub screw. I have spent time trying  fix it or remove the knob without success.  Although the focuser  will turn using the other knobs (which is strange when the Temp gauge knob is totally jammed) so I can still use the scope.

If anyone has had the same problem and has found a way to still remove the knob I should be glad to hear how it was done. Otherwise I think I shall order a new focuser. The part I would replace is shown in the photos.



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I'm not sure what autofocusser instructions you followed, but I very nearly did the same thing.  I had the grub screw stuck in the same hole until I realised that you were not supposed to try to remove the grub screw through this hole.  All that you use the hole for is to slacken the grub screws just enough so that the knob can be removed, taking the grub screw out with it. You then take the grub screws out once it is all clear of the knob.   I over-slackened mine so that the protruding grub screw was jamming the mechanism.  Luckily I was able to get my stuck grub screw screwed back into the collet, but it was nearly a disaster.  Is there any way you could re-engage the screw or has it disappeared into the mechanism?   Failing that I don't know what to suggest.      

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1 minute ago, gnomus said:

I'm not sure what autofocusser instructions you followed, but I very nearly did the same thing.  I had the grub screw stuck in the same hole until I realised that you were not supposed to try to remove the grub screw through this hole.  All that you use the hole for is to slacken the grub screws just enough so that the knob can be removed, taking the grub screw out with it. You then take the grub screws out once it is all clear of the knob.   I over-slackened mine so that the protruding grub screw was jamming the mechanism.  Luckily I was able to get my stuck grub screw screwed back into the collet, but it was nearly a disaster.  Is there any way you could re-engage the screw or has it disappeared into the mechanism?   Failing that I don't know what to suggest.      

Yes I thought it was just an access hole to get to the grub screw, it's like that on my WO scope too, but there is only one screw that need to be slackened and the whole shebang comes off, on my other scope the grub screw is under a rubber grip around the focus knob, took me ages to find it was there, I was pulling my hair out trying to find out how the thing came off as there was no hole or screws showing... ?

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Thanks for quick replies.

 Skybound:  It wont slide out without  further dismantling ( the worm will not pass through the bearings as is)  which I'm reluctant to do until I know I can get a complete replacement unit.

Gnomus: The grubscrew lodged sideways originally and I was unable to turn it the right up. Eventually after lots of fiddling it disappeared into the depths. So you were fortunate to recover yours.


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