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DSS and Nikon D810 RAW Files

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Hi, Is anyone else out there using a Nikon D810 for Astro Imaging. I am a newbie to this but I have successfully stacked Nikon D300 RAW files with DSS (3.2.2) but when I try it with my Nikon D810 RAW files I get Ouit of Memory errors 100% of the time. I get Out of Memory errors even if I just try to do a star count. Annyone else seen this problem? Can anybody recommend alternative applications that will process Nikopn D810 RAW files?



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Hi Keith,

I'm a Canon user but i do know Nikon shoots NEF RAW, i know that using uncompressed 14bit NEF RAW will give file sizes around 3x larger than say NEF RAW compressed 12bit images, just a thought.

oh, i think there is also a DSS 3.3.4 update, that would probably help.

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